The main problems of building a civil society in many countries are the lack of civic consciousness of citizens and low level of legal culture (lack of knowledge about law, legal system, mechanisms of rights protection, role of public organizations in the implementation of individual and collective rights and interests, etc.). General programs of secondary and higher education in many countries do not allow implementing all the measures aimed at legal promotion, information and knowledge about human rights, rules of law and democracy. Thus, extracurricular and alternative education, and additional education programs can fill in this gap.

Street Law programs tell young people in schools, communities, and corrections sites about law providing law students with a unique, powerful professional development opportunity (public speaking skills, adapting theoretical knowledge in practice, thinking critically, formulating one’s own position and disputing it, ability to work in groups, respect to the opposite points of view). Street Law programs are usually included in Legal Clinics activities or can be launched independently.

The visit to Aarhus has helped me to establish contacts with teachers and researchers who are interested in legal clinic activities and legal clinic education.I’ve become acquainted with legal clinic of Aarhus (Aarhus Retshjelp) where students get practical skills providing free legal aid. We’ve defined further forms of cooperation (create trainings for law students to develop their skills providing free legal aid).