As a general rule, three Nordic countries must be involved in a cooperation project (Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Åland). Of these, at least one partner must be from an Arctic country / area.

It can be supplemented with one or more Arctic partners (Arctic states in the Arctic Council) outside the Nordic region.

The Ministers for Co-operation in the Nordic Council of Ministers (MR-SAM) have overall responsibility for the program, while the Nordic Advisory Committee for the Arctic (NRKA) is responsible for granting project support on the basis of a recommendation from the secretariat.

The secretariat is divided between NAPA – Nordic Institute in Greenland (administration and consulting) and Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland (professional assessment of applications).

The cooperation program will contribute to the fulfillment of Our Vision 2030 that the Nordic region will be the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by 2030.

The aim is to promote Nordic co-operation in the Arctic and contribute to increased knowledge about the Arctic environment, economy and social conditions.

The co-operation program facilitates partnerships that contribute to concrete solutions to challenges and needs in the Arctic. It forms the basis for continuing to operate and establish networks and meeting places that can contribute to strengthening mobility, integration and exchange of experience in relevant areas.

Up to DKK 500,000 per year can be applied for over a period of a maximum of 3 years. The application deadline is 15 February.

Read more about the opportunity: Arctic Cooperation Programme - NAPA

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