"Hi, my name is Wahdan. Currently, I am studying for my PhD at Umeå University, Sweden. I will be researching groundwater dynamics in subarctic palsa mires during my PhD. I want to find the interaction between groundwater and surface water in this typical (sub)arctic environment.

I joined this Polar Winter School 2025 to understand more about the role of snow in the terrestrial hydrological cycle, especially in arctic and subarctic regions. Snow is an important parameter in the hydrological cycle as it can provide insulation, especially during winter. In addition, I have plans to use remote sensing methods in my future research; this course also provides an introduction to this method. Finally, with this PWS, I can meet other people with the same interest and research in arctic regions.

This grant will help me by providing additional support for my course and research. After PWS 2025, I have a better understanding of the characteristics of snow and its role in the hydrological cycle. I also managed to start my experience in using drones/UAV for land observation, which will be useful for my future research. In addition to that, I was re-learn again of my past interest in energy systems from the topic of hydropower in Iceland. This reminds me to always try to find practical applications for the theoretical knowledge that I gain."


The Polar Winter School 2025 was jointly organized by the Thematic Networks Nordic Snow Network (NordSnowNet) and High Latitude Dust. Part of the YoungArctic project, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway. YoungArctic is a collaboration between High North Center (at Nord University), UArctic, and International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA).Follow the project on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youngarcticproject/