This full-time, fixed-term position will be located in Fairbanks, Alaska.

The postdoctoral researcher’s major responsibilities are broad and include analysis of observational and modeling data to address the project goal thus providing synergy between the project’s components and between UAF and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) teams.

Responsibilities include:

  • Initial processing of newly recovered mooring data with the team's support;
  • Statistical analysis of mooring and sea ice data, including data curation and archival work;
  • Analyzing climate model data, including validation of model output against observations, disentangling mechanisms of Arctic Borealization and its role in high-latitude climate change, and quantifying the relative role of Atlantification and Pacification to the emerging spatiotemporal patterns of oceanic and sea-ice changes and heat and freshwater budgets of the Arctic Ocean;
  • Taking part in synthesis of observations and modeling as a part of the project team;
  • Publishing in peer reviewed journals; and
  • Disseminating results at meetings and conferences.

A successful candidate will have familiarity and knowledge in assessing the effect of climate change and the ability to work with large data sets; programing with Python, Matlab, or similar proficiency in statistical analysis software; expertise in data processing, evaluation of data quality and basic statistics; demonstrated experience in co-production of knowledge; excellent communication in writing and spoken English; and publications and presentation record as per career level.

The postdoc will reside at the UAF campus in Fairbanks, Alaska. However, LANL will host the postdoc for visits to LANL which will help with the analysis of modeling data. The postdoctoral researcher will be given the opportunity to participate in scientific cruises into the high Arctic.

The initial review for applications will begin on 23 September 2024. The position may remain open until a qualified applicant is identified.

Applications must include a cover letter, resume or curriculum vitae, and three professional references with contact information (phone number and emails).

Initial review begins: 23 September 2024

For more information, go to:
Full position description

For questions, contact:
Igor Polyakov