
Finland offers scholarships of 1500€ - 2000€ for one semester and 2000€ - 3000€ for two semesters depending on the destination.

Finnish institutions organize the application rounds for their own students according to their timetables.

The national north2north contact person allocates waivers to institutions and the institutional north2north contact persons select the students who get the waivers.

Institutions apply for funding from the national north2north contact person and pay the scholarships to their students.  



North2north scholarship:

Finland also offers some scholarships for North American inbound students, 3000€ for one semester and 5000€ for two semesters.

Students who can apply for funding have to be residents in the country of the institution from which they apply. Online students who do not live in the country of their home institutions cannot apply for north2north funding from Finland.


The Finnish north2north inbound deadlines at a glance:




15 February

Deadline for the students to take contact with their north2north institutional contact and inform about their wish to send a north2north application for the forthcoming academic year.

18 February

Deadline for the north2north institutional contacts to send the “north2north potential applicant list” to the International Coordination Office of north2north to: isabelle.guissard@uit.no

Please note that Finland and Norway have a common application form.


The students will shortly receive a link to the online application form to their e-mail addresses.

25 February

Deadline for the students to submit the north2north application form.

End of March

Results of the Finnish north2north allocation announced and circulated to north2north institution contacts.



The north2north institutional contacts inform the students of their own institutions about the north2north application process in Finland.

The students who intend to apply for a north2north scholarship have to get in touch with the north2north contact at their home institutions before 15 February.

The north2north institutional contact selects the students who are eligible to submit a north2north application.

They inform the students about the following:

  • Students must prepare a motivation letter that they should include in the application.
  • Students must provide their latest Transcript of Records in English that they should include in the application.
  • The link to the application form will be sent directly to the student applicant by e-mail. It is important to inform the students to check their spam box in case the link to the application is sent there.
  • Students from north2north institutions in USA and Canada will be able to list two institutions/campuses in Norway or in Finland. In the case of institutions with several campuses, students must select the campus at which they wish to study.

The north2north institutional contact of each institution with potential applicants fill in the “north2north potential applicant list”  and submit it to the International Coordination Office of north2north to: isabelle.guissard@uit.no by 18 February at the latest.

The north2north institutional contacts inform the students that the deadline to submit the application form will be on 25 February.

The Finnish National Agency for north2north allocates the waivers and the grants and communicate the results of the Finnish allocation to the north2north institutional contacts at the end of March. It is each student’s responsibility to contact the north2north institutional contact of his/her home institution to ask if he/she is allocated a north2north grant.